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We obviously are talking about Sebastian Ingrosso with “Flood“ and Steve Angello with “Hooligans.” The two songs are in full SHM style, which distinguishes them from the Dance panorama of these last months. Ultimately, the three Swedish are unique.
Flood by Sebastian Ingrosso was accompanied by a phrase we want to share: “The start of many stories I hope to tell… “And this makes us think of a return to solo projects after a “silence” lasted for 8 years, and that he might share with us several new songs or, simply, “many new stories.” Despite being characterized by “hard” sounds, the record contains an angelic “dreamy” vocal.
On the other hand, Hooligans by Steve Angello brings us back with acid and hard sounds, bringing back the sample that, at least in Italy, started the term “zanzarismo” (literally, “mosquitoism” because of the similarities with mosquitoes’ sounds). The refrain reminds us of Dominator by Human Resource, dated 1991. The sample was also utilized in the now-historical Warp 1.9 by Steve Aoki.
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