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RUFUS DU SOL | Talking Music, New Album, & Getting To Know Them Better

with Brian FINK

Celebrating their smash « Music Is Better » going #1 on the dance chart, Jon George from Rüfüs Du Sol (‪@rufusdusol‬) joined us on America’s Dance 30, shared how the song was born, how long ago they started working on it, if the lyrics are in honor of a real person, and how many Vs there were of the song before its release. Jon also talked all about « Break My Love » AND their 5th studio album « Inhale/Exhale »! We also got to know Jon and Rüfüs Du Sol better w « Finky’s Firsts »!! Find out about:

  • what he first wanted to be growing up
  • where their original artist project name ‘Rufus’ came from
  • where ‘Rüfüs Du Sol’ came from
  • the first show they did together as a group
  • the first thing he does on show days
  • the first thing he does after shows
  • the first song that makes everything better for him


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