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with Brian FINK
Celebrating another #1 on the dance charts, the legend Armin van Buuren joined us again on America’s Dance 30 to chat all things « Part Of Me »! Armin shared how the song was born w Louis III, how long ago they started working on it, and why he was worried about releasing it. He also talked about his new smash « Euphoria », and how it was born w Alok, Norma Jean Martine, & Lawrent! We also chatted w Armin about « Pillars of Creation », the visually amazing show he did the end of last year, and an upcoming first for him.. a FACE-TO-FACE set w Maddix! Armin also put to rest a Google-question about himself, and shared what it’s like living in The Netherlands, where he’s such a hometown icon.
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