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The summer is upon us once again, and so is the sweet and soothing sound of KYGO. For those who know what to expect from him in terms of song creation, you are in for a treat. On the other hand, those who expect something new and fresh from the Norwegian virtuoso’s self-titled album KYGO probably won’t be satisfied. Kygo doesn’t often deviate away from his usual songwriting style, and KYGO is no different. Heavily centered around love and euphoria, KYGO marks another notable addition to Kygo’s incredibly prosperous portfolio.
As is the case for almost any Kygo project so far, his self-titled album features a plethora of breathtakingly talented singers and songwriters. Featuring artists such as the Jonas Brothers, Julia Michaels, Zak Abel, and HAYLA, KYGO definitely isn’t short of star power. Even the disco legend Nile Rodgers managed to make an appearance, precisely on For Life together with the aforementioned Zak Abel. Above all, Kygo included the fan-favorite 2014 remix for M83’s Wait, which was originally a Soundcloud exclusive. The overall structure of the album includes a lot of piano segments, created mainly by Kygo himself who is an exquisite piano player. The album’s overall feel walks a thin line between melancholy, pure love, and a fear of loss. There is something for everyone and every song is crafted with a purpose to get fully embraced in it.
To celebrate the album’s release, Kygo recorded a special live performance on the Troll’s Tongue, a cliff overlooking Norway’s incredible-looking Ringedalsvatnet Lake. Armed with a couple of synthesizers and his trusted piano, Kygo was joined by some of his album collaborators, including Sigrid, Zak Abel, Sandro Cavazza, and HAYLA. KYGO is now available on every major streaming platform and you can listen to it down below, as always.
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