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Accustomed to covers these days (Higher Love, Hot Stuff, Whatever with Ava Max), Kygo decided to sample a monument, French Touch this time, for his new track, ‘For Life’.
It is in the chorus that the sample takes on its full scope: in fact, Zak Abel, singing the song, begins to sing to the rhythm of Lady (Hear Me Tonight) by Modjo! The title is catchy. The funky riffs of Nile Rodgers (ex-CHIC) and the sublime voice of Zak Abel particularly help the song, which will play on the radio without any problem for a while. The clip, appealing to fans, is also very touching. If we ultimately like the title, we however have a big reservation about Kygo’s ability to renew himself. Indeed, the time of the original tracks from the first album seems far away, and the vein, if it works today, is not guaranteed to work forever. We hope to be wrong for him, that said!
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